Get Found On Google

Get found on Google

  • February 17, 2021

Get found on Google!

So you want your new domain name and website to be indexed in Google?
Well we have something super special just for our valued customers.

When you register a new domain name and create a brand new shiny and attractive looking website. Being listed in Google is not something that happens automatically.
This is something many people who are new to the world of being a website owner gets wrong. It's not an automatic process.

There's a few steps you need to do first in order to request your website to get indexed in Googles search results.
Over time, especially in 2021 this has become a complicated process and many new site owners find it quite daunting, challenging and difficult to understand.

Even after this process has been completed it doesn’t mean your website is going to get indexed right away. It's up to Google when they decided to crawl your site for the very first time.

Firstly, its worth mentioning there is something called a sandbox period. This means a new born domain name wont get indexed for a certain period of time. However, Domain Registration DNS provides a process that can greatly reduce this time period while complying with Googles polices and guidelines.

The other part to this process is submitting your new domain name and it's associated website to Google for crawling. For this you need to open up a special account with Google.
This is called "Google Webmasters"
From within this account you will need to confirm that you are the official owner of the website you want to get listed.
This can be done using a few different methods. Two of the most common methods are to insert special HTML code into your website which will requires a level of understanding that many new site owners simply don’t possess unless you have some degree of website coding skills. The second most common method is to create a DNS record at the domain registrar level. The Google webmasters tool will automatically provide you with the DNS entry you will need to add to your domain name settings.

If your new to the internet and the world of being a website owner. This actually sounds quite complicated right?
Well no need to worry. Domain Registration DNS is offering all our new customers an exclusive free service to do all this for you. No other domain registrar in Australia provides such a service at no cost. In fact many dedicated search engine optimisation services can charge hundreds of dollars to perform this process for you.

At Domain Registration DNS we do this for you completely free upon request.
Just send us an email and we will get to work on this for you right away! Taking away the stress, complexity and expensive cost if this is something you don't feel comfortable with doing yourself.
No other domain registration or hosting company within Australia will do this for you completely free.

For assistance with setting up your Google search console and submitting your website to Google just send an email over to....

[email protected]

Here is to your business success!