Starting Your Own Hosting Company

Starting your own hosting company

  • November 02, 2021

One of the most popular forms of hosting there is and has been for many years is Shared Hosting. This is where you will rent out a physical server from a web host. When you first start out with your business, this is the ideal way to go. The price that you will pay is based on what services you will be getting, what type of hardware you will need and the amount of memory that you want. Most of the hosting companies that you find on the internet have a very large variety of plans available for you to choose from.


You may have seen many advertisements on the internet that advertise Shared Hosting. Some of these advertisements will actually provide you with a preview of what is included in the plan. Starting your own webhosting company with this type of hosting can be an ideal way for you to begin. However, there are many risks involved with Shared Hosting. In this article I'm going to list a few things that you should be aware of before you get started with this type of hosting.


One of the most important things that you should be aware of when starting a website with this type of hosting is the setup fee that you will be paying. The setup fee can sometimes reach as much as $10 dollars per month which can be outrageous depending on your earnings. You may be lucky enough to find a company that will offer a lower setup fee, but many of them will charge you quite high. With the low start up cost you have to think about what it will be costing you if you do not make any sales at the end of the month.


Another important thing to think about when starting a webhosting company is the disk space that you are going to be using. There are two types of webhosting services, Shared and Dedicated. Shared hosting will usually use one large disk space whereas a Dedicated server will make use of a disk space which is split between several users. If you do not have a lot of disk space available then Shared Hosting may be the best option for you, but if you do then you are going to need to upgrade to a Dedicated server.


The next factor that you should look into is the cost of the server. You can easily find a low price server but it will be more than likely that the disk space is going to cost you more than a Dedicated Server. However, a Dedicated Server will allow you to control what your site is going to be like, you will be able to choose from many different operating systems and there will be more disk space available. Another thing that you may want to consider is the type of hosting that you will want. Shared Hosting will usually require you to use a cPanel and you are limited to using a single IP address, however, with a Dedicated Server you are given the option of choosing your own IP address and can have your own mail server, MySQL database, FTP, SSL certificate, and more. Most Dedicated Servers will also come with Microsoft Office products such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.


Another feature that you should look into when starting your own webhosting business is the amount of traffic bandwidth and the disk space available for your hosting account. Bandwidth is how much information you can transfer from your website to another on a daily basis and disk space is how much you can store in your webhosting account. If you're only getting a small amount of traffic everyday you can purchase a shared hosting package, but if you're hoping to create a big online business you will probably want to go with a Dedicated Server or Virtual Private Server (VPS). The reason behind this is because with a Dedicated Server you will be able to customize the software and you'll be able to add on many different services such as, PHP development, database and more.


One of our last things to consider when starting your own webhosting business is the cost of the domain registration. This can vary widely between different companies so you may have to shop around to find a good price. My advice would be to register as your domain because the fact is that most of the big companies will be able to register as well so you won't be out of luck when it comes to the domain registration. Also, the larger companies will almost always offer you a Dedicated hosting package so this may be something to look into as well.


The last thing to look out for when starting your own webhosting company is the price of the hosting plan and the customer support that the host offers. It will be important for you to check out the alexa rating total reviews to see which companies rate well and which ones do not. If you have a Dedicated Server you can also purchase upgrades or add-on services for added security and functionality. One of the downsides to a Dedicated Server is that it can cost you upwards of $200 dollars in monthly costs however, the money you save on monthly hosting fees will more than make up for this initial expense. Dedicated Hosting may not be the cheapest way to host multiple domains on your website but it is undoubtedly one of the most reliable and trustworthy.