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Free Domain Name Services

Almost every domain name registrar charge for the following services at a high expense.
We believe this is completely unnecessary so we provide it 100% Free.
Registering your domain here also gives you complete control.

Free URL Forwarding

Forward your domain name to any URL or website you like. You can point your new domain to your existing website without paying forwarding fees.

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Free Email Forwarding

Create your own email address and automatically forward it to your existing email address. No additional hosting or email costs required.

Web Hosting

Free DNS hosting

We provide free DNS hosting and DNS management for anyone who hosts their own web or mail servers. Create unlimited records, subdomains and set custom TTL.

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Free Domain Management

We don’t charge a penny for domain management. You are free to delegate your domain to different hosting providers as many times as you like.


Domain Names

Choose from hundreds of extensions to get the perfect domain name.


With Domain Registration DNS Australia your domain registration is complete with great value prices and superior service and support. Our high speed AnyCast DNS servers insure that any changes you make to your domain name settings are updated almost instantly and propagate around the world within hours instead of the standard 48 hours.

The best services for your business

Choose from hundreds of extensions to get the perfect domain name.

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The best services for your business

We offer a full range of web services, from domain registration to web hosting, and everything in between.

Secure your domain with Domain Privacy and stay in control of it with Domain Manager.

Choose the right level of hosting for your business, from our full range of cPanel Hosting products.

Need a professional email address or Microsoft Office applications? Look no further than our Microsoft 365 products.

Web Hosting

World class web hosting - security and reliability at a great price.

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We offer a range of free services that most other domain registrars actually charge high rates to setup and provide. We strongly believe these extra services cost nothing to provide yet other companies insist on charging domain owners yearly or monthly subscriptions for these extra functions.

By offering these services to you at no cost gives you complete control over your domain name. Even though you might not have a website or professional email addresses setup as yet. These free functions allow you to put your newly registered name to good use right away.

These free services include

1. Free URL Forwarding (Forward and point your new domain name to any internet address you like. So if you already have a current website you are able to point your new domain name to that site. Or any other you wish. You could even point it to your Facebook page.)
2. Free Email Forwarding. (Create your own email address and forward it to your current email address. This will allow you to create an email address that will look like this [email protected] and enable all emails sent to that address to land in something like your current Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail account. Even your private work email account.
3. Free DNS Hosting. (Allows anyone to host their own websites or email servers and create unlimited amounts of DNS records or sub domains)
4. Free Domain Management. (You can re delegate your domain name to different hosting providers as many times as you like for free. Many providers charge to change these settings.
5. Free public DNS servers. (We operate a set of free public DNS servers in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane which you can use on any internet connected device to speed up your internet browsing. This is an alternative DNS service very similar to what Google provides.

Our Service Area

We offers services through out Australia, enabling you to deploy your service infrastructure in close proximity to your customer base.

domain name registration company

Looking for a custom solution?

Our technicians can provide you with the best custom made solutions on the market, no matter whether you're a small business or large enterprise.

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